Now in its 4th edition, Terra Materia, the event conceived and founded in 2020 by Claudia V. Mazohl, suspended between architecture, design and ethics that brings the Mediterranean back to the centre.
The event will be held on 7 June 2024 at the beautiful Villa Asquer in Assemini (in the province of Cagliari) and will have the theme and title” Happiness and Architecture. The Cult of the Mediterranean Space‘. Architecture works in ordering matter to accommodate the immaterial, building places open to happiness. This is precisely why the relationship between emotions and space will be the key to understanding this new edition of Terra Materia 2024. The event, organised by Ceramica Mediterranea and Abitzai in partnership with Platform Architecture & Design, will host architects and designers who will offer their own personal interpretation of the experience of living spaces and the interdisciplinary relationship between design, culture and territory with the aim of increasing awareness and vision in an ever-evolving world.
Terra Materia explores differences in a shared dialogue, to redefine the value of place through the circularity of knowledge and the celebration of its future. Created to promote new currents of thought and innovative solutions, the seminar aims to be a multidisciplinary investigation that explores the earth as the guardian of the spirit of community.
17:30: Opening Earth Matter IV edition
18:00: Seminar begins
20:30: Cocktail & jazz
23:30: Conclusion event
Cino Zucchi Chief Architect and Founder | Cino Zucchi Architetti Milano
Tommaso Tommasi Architect, Designer and CEO | Architettura Tommasi Padova
Alessandro Melis Architect, Curator and Lecturer | NY Institute of Technology New York
Daniele Menichini Architect and CEO | Daniele Menichini Architetti Livorno
Benedetta Medas PhD in Architecture and Conservator of Cultural Heritage | We Are Out of Time Cagliari
Andrea Branciforti Architect, Designer and CEO | Improntabarre Design Studio Caltagirone
Simona Finessi Editor | Platform Architecture & Design Milan