
“Platform Architecture and Design” is an internationally distributed peer reviewed journal on architecture, design and interiors that focuses on a critical reading of trends in the international debate by bringing together ideas and new directions through critical interpretations and scholarly research.

The journal was first published in March 2015.

Platform Architecture and Design besides being ADI MEMBER, boasts of being Media Partner of LEAF INTERNATIONAL, POPAI ITALIA AND SOCIETY OF BRITISH DESIGN.

The magazine is registered with the Court of Milan with Aut. n° 303 of 18 April 2014 and registered with the R.O.C. n. 21349, and its publications respond to the ISSN code: 2420-9090.


Platform magazine was born as a critical and open observatory on contemporary architecture and design in a historical phase that requires new perspectives in the analysis and reading of the dynamics that are profoundly changing the global metropolitan landscape.

The magazine’s target audience is the Italian and international scientific community of architects, contemporary scholars and students of architecture and design.

The selection of works is the result of careful research by the editorial team and recommendations from correspondents and members of the scientific committee, demonstrating particular attention to those geographical and cultural contexts not particularly touched by more traditional magazines.

The basic objective is to offer the scientific community an observatory on the dynamics, ongoing research and phenomena that are emerging in the international debate and, at the same time, to combine critical action with a series of essays and in-depth studies that provide a scientific interpretation of the design and cultural experiences of modernity between the 20th and 21st centuries.

Platform has immediately demonstrated a strong focus on multidisciplinarity, following the Italian path traced by Domus and Ottagono and seeking to bring together all possible forms of contemporary creativity in full respect and attention to the different disciplinary specificities.

For this reason, the international Scientific Committee brings together Italian and foreign academics with leading designers and experts from the world of architecture and design.

The magazine has been organised into thematic blocks that allow a clear reading of each issue and the issues it intends to address.

Each issue of Platform is built around a keyword representing one of the characters and phenomena considered most significant and which is interpreted through the selected projects, the cover character and his interview, and the column by philosopher Marco Filoni.

In addition to a selection of architectural and interior projects whose texts are each time entrusted to young PhDs or critics, the magazine has been organised into recognisable areas that are repeated in each issue:

Keyword, a new vocabulary entry written by philosopher Marco Filoni.

Timeless, a section devoted to little-known 20th-century projects that are analysed and historiographically reinterpreted through sources and archive materials, curated by Alessandro Benetti, PhD from the University of Paris.

Printed, a selection of new books on the Italian and contemporary scene edited by Prof. Luca Garofalo.

Design, a collection of critical essays on contemporary design each time entrusted to Italian and international experts and scholars.

Exhibition, a selection of current exhibitions in museums and institutions of architecture and design around the world followed by short critical reviews. In addition to this we are devoting increasing interest to contemporary design projects and their critical reading.

Backstage, as a journey and narration in the world of Italian and interntional production.

Platform Architecture and Design is a magazine that aims at the narration of a community that questions itself about project and design at a time when it is necessary to understand the time we live in.


The thematic core around which the contents that make up the issues are gathered from time to time is established with the advice of an International Scientific Committee.

The editorial staff discusses each issue with one or more members of the scientific committee or with scholars from outside the committee. Each issue is therefore subject to scientific editing by scholars relevant to the subjects in question. 

All content is subject to peer-review or double blind reviews according to the category in which it is published, and in the manner described below.

The categories into which the contributions of the issues of Platform Architecture and Design are divided are:

Articles and essays: this category indicates scientific contributions produced and submitted exclusively by direct invitation of the editorial staff. All contributions in this section are peer reviewed or double blind – peer reviewed by the Group of Reviewers. The Group of Reviewers is composed of high-profile scholars with recognised expertise in the subjects covered.

Interviews: the category indicates interviews with Architects and Designers of international relevance for the scientific panorama and luminaries of clear fame on the issues covered in each issue. All interviews are curated by an editor/collaborator and reviewed by the editorial team.

Columns: This category contains an analysis of the most recent and up-to-date specialist publications on the international scene as well as the system of exhibitions and events related to the world of architecture and design. All columns are edited by an editor/collaborator and reviewed by the editorial team.


Marco Filoni

Luciano Galimberti
Presidente ADI

Cherubino Gambardella
Architetto, Professore ordinario di Progettazione Architettonica, Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”

Bernard Khoury

Francesco Jodice

Brian Li Zhang
Architetto, Professore ordinario di Architettura, Department in the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, China

Piero Lissoni

Massimo Martignoni
Storico del Design

Giancarlo Mazzanti
Architetto, Visiting Professor Columbia University, N.Y.






EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Daniela Garbillo

EDITOR: Cristina Bigliatti, Alessia Dondolini