Platform for Cafè della Stampa – Cersaie 2023

Platform renews its partnership with Cersaie by collaborating on one of the new Café della Stampa events. Café della Stampa are places for conversation on design and architecture, created together with the most important publishing houses to deepen, through the dialogue between newspapers and experts, topical issues in terms of design, architecture, wellness and urban planning in the field of ceramics and bathroom furnishings.
On Monday 25 September 2023 at 3pm, Simona Finessi, co-founder of Platform, introduces Shikha Bhardwaj, Lead Sustainability Designer at HawkinsBrown, who will illustrate the creation of her dedicated team and the evolution of an evidence-based design approach that ensures buildings improve the lives of future generations. Case studies will illustrate how data on the entire carbon lifecycle and the selection of the right materials for the purpose event to preview trends in spaces.

The “Café della Stampa” initiative, which has caught the attention of many professionals in previous years, will move to the Mall between Halls 29 and 30 for this year’s edition, a popular area near the North Entrance.
There are two ways to take part in the Press Cafés: the first in person in the special area Mall 29/30, the second digitally on the Cersaie website and on the websites of the respective publishing houses.


Register for the event to receive your ticket: