One year of Confrestauro

The presentation event of Confrestauro, the association that brings together restorers, manufacturers of materials, architects and experts in the sector with the aim of representing and promoting the restoration and conservation of Italy’s historical and artistic heritage, was held in the evocative setting of the Salone degli Arazzi inside Palazzo Piacentini in Rome, the headquarters of the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy.

The event, moderated by Carlo Prosperi, which was attended by institutional authorities such as the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso, the Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano and the President of the Culture Commission at the Chamber of Deputies Federico Mollicone , and the top management of Confrestauro: President Alberto Rui, Vice President Luca Lagracacolonna and Councillor Tommaso Tommasi, was an opportunity to present the achievements of the first year of activity and the next objectives.

Today’s event was very important for us,” stressed President Alberto Rui. “One year after the birth of Confrestauro, there have been several projects and collaborations in which we have been involved, and many more are planned. I am thinking for example of the first Career Day at the Botticino School, in collaboration with the Valore Italia Association. The event represented an opportunity for us to show in front of institutional authorities and through a video the path we have taken this year and to illustrate our plans for the future.”

Founded in the spring of 2023, Confrestauro now counts, one year after its birth, 130 members and 30 associated companies.
Confrestauro’s mission is twofold. On the one hand, to represent and promote the sector of restoration and conservation of Italy’s historical and artistic heritage and to make it a key economic asset to focus on. On the other, that of networking with the excellences specialised in the various areas of the sector: from design to the application part of restoration, up to innovative materials and systems.

Confrestauro is very active in promoting the training of young restorers and ensuring their access to the world of work. For this reason, it has set up collaborations with several restoration schools and organises events and initiatives to facilitate the meeting between job supply and demand.
One example is the Scuola di Botticino, which has proved to be a strategic partner, thanks to the high quality of the training offered, which allows contact with talented young restorers, ready to make an important contribution to the sector in Italy. The collaboration with the Institute for Art and Restoration Palazzo Spinelli in Florence is also very important.

The objectives for the next two years are very ambitious and challenging: if for training, it uses the agreement signed with theAssociazione Valori Italia, it also has new collaborations in place with Assoverde, with the Jewish Cultural Heritage Foundation in Italy, and with ANACI, the association that unites condominium administrators. The aim is to aim higher and higher in order to become, by 2025, protagonists of Italy’s historical cultural heritage.
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