Gender Planning in Vienna: study trip 7/9 October 2022

From 7 to 9 October 22, Florencia Andreola and Azzurra Muzzonigro, architects and researchers, founders of the association Sex & the City and authors of Milano Atlante di Genere, will lead three days of study in the Austrian capital, to discover the good practices that make this city one of the most inclusive in Europe. In collaboration with Sistema Congressi Padova.

The study experience is addressed to architects, urban planners, designers (who will be able to obtain training credits) and will allow, by interweaving urban and gender studies, to analyse the urban space in its strengths and to observe the responses offered by the city to the needs of women and gender minorities.

For more than 30 years, the city of Vienna has integrated a gender perspective in a transversal and structured manner within the public administration. This has been translated at the administrative level into gender mainstreaming, a strategic approach to policies that aims at equal opportunities for women and men in all spheres of society. Numerous spaces and pilot projects have emerged that can be models for all European cities.

Following the editorial success of Milano Atlante di Genere, the research published by Letteraventidue and commissioned by Urban Center Milano, which several Italian municipal administrations have recognised as a valid model of analysis and research for new city practices – Florencia Andreola and Azzurra Muzzonigro delve into their studies on the topic at an international level.

You can register for the trip by 7 September. For information and registration:

Photo by Fiammetta Duke