From May 22nd to August 22nd 2021 Platform creates a unique and unprecedented event: Stay tuned.

Platform has chosen a very important location, where to base its presence as Casa Platform @Venezia during the 17th Architecture Biennale Venice: Scuola Grande di Ns. Signora di Misericordia.
During this period, in concomitance with the Biennale, 2 Thematic Exhibitions will take place at the same time with the involvement of 140 architectural firms:

1_Best Italian Interior Design: an overview of interior design, without geographical and typological limitations (residential, hospitality, retail, etc.) but designed by Italian authors, through the selection of 70 projects, based on applications from all over Italy.

2_Best International Houses: an overview of living places in the world through the selection of 70 projects chosen by a scientific committee, based on applications from all over the world.

In addition to the exhibitions, always in the majestic setting of Misercordia, the Platform Architecture Festival will take place: a kermesse of speeches and lectures by international architects, divided into two different moments.
In all, the Festival will host the 140 studios selected in the Exhibitions, thus animating a dense schedule of lectures, in which sponsors and the public of architects can participate as audience (event accredited by OA National).
The event will be filmed and broadcast on Platform digital platforms in order to give maximum visibility to all participants, architects and sponsors.
For further information, at the following link you can download the presentation.