Platform Real Estate Roma 2024

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Platform Real Estate is a two-day event dedicated to providing an up-to-date representation of the state of the art of the Real Estate world in Italy by putting at the centre the developers who, through their own developments and aspirations, can give a clear picture of the Real Estate world and future scenarios. The real estate sector is going through a phase of profound transformation, influenced by technological innovations, changes in buyer preferences, and new regulatory aspects. Hence the need to find a moment when those involved in development should get together around a table to discuss the new priorities and responsibilities that weigh on those who are in charge of transforming the cities in which we live. The event features Italian and foreign operators discussing and presenting trends, innovations and challenges in the real estate and urban regeneration sector. The initiative offers a unique opportunity for industry professionals to share experiences, develop contacts and update on the latest news and strategies in the Italian real estate market, also thanks to the presence of governmental and administrative representatives. This event represents a unique opportunity for all participants to get in touch with key market players, exchange ideas, develop partnerships and gain a comprehensive view of current trends and future developments in the real estate sector in Italy.

Who is it addressed to?

  • Investors: representatives of investment funds, private equity companies and institutional investors interested in exploring new opportunities in the Italian real estate market.
  • Real estate developers: construction companies and developers who will present their current and future projects and the innovative strategies adopted.
  • Architects and urban planners: architecture and urban planning professionals who will share their visions and projects for urban regeneration.
  • Real estate brokers and agents: real estate brokerage experts who will discuss market trends and best practices in sales and rentals.
  • Lawyers and legal advisors: legal professionals specialised in real estate law who will provide insights into the laws and regulations affecting the sector.
  • Technologists and innovators: companies and start-ups operating in the field of real estate technology who will present innovative solutions for the sector.
  • Academics and researchers: scholars and researchers who will present studies and analyses on real estate market dynamics and future forecasts.
  • Institutional representatives: public officials and representatives from local and national authorities who will discuss government policies and initiatives to support the real estate sector.

Where and when
The Platform Real Estate event will be held on 29 and 30 October at MAXXI – Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo. The choice of this location is not random, as the MAXXI represents a successful example of urban regeneration, perfectly embodying the spirit of innovation and renewal that characterises the entire event. MAXXI, located in Rome’s Flaminio district, was designed by architect Zaha Hadid and opened in 2010. This museum, dedicated to contemporary arts and architecture, has rapidly become a cultural and artistic reference point not only for the city of Rome but for the entire international scene. MAXXI stands on an area formerly occupied by military barracks, transformed into a futuristic, multifunctional space that combines art exhibitions, cultural events and educational initiatives. This transformation has had a significant impact on the Flaminio district, contributing to its rebirth and attractiveness. Choosing MAXXI as the venue for Platform Real Estate underlines the importance of urban regeneration and architectural innovation, central themes for the future of real estate in Italy.

The Platform Real Estate event will feature a packed programme of panels and insights on key topics for the real estate industry. With the participation of leading Italian and international operators, the event will offer a comprehensive and up-to-date view of trends, innovations and challenges in the real estate market.

  • Urban Regeneration: redevelopment projects and sustainable urban development.
  • Legislation: analysis of current and new regulations in the real estate sector.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Real Estate: using AI to optimise real estate operations and predict market trends.
  • ESG and Sustainability: implementation of sustainable practices and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) criteria.
  • Affordable Houses: accessible housing solutions and strategies to address the housing crisis.
  • Hospitality and Accommodation Sector: Trends and strategies in the hospitality and accommodation sector.
  • Social and Student Housing: Development of social housing and student residences.
  • Public Real Estate Management: Strategies and challenges in the efficient management of public real estate.

Protagonists: Real Estate Companies
The event will feature industry experts who will share their knowledge through a series of panel discussions lasting one hour each. Each session will consist of 6-8 speakers who will discuss and explore the topics listed. The event represents a unique opportunity to explore the various dimensions of the real estate sector, fostering dialogue and the exchange of ideas between the main market players, developing collaborations and obtaining a comprehensive view of the current trends and future evolutions of the real estate sector in Italy.


The programme will provide a unique opportunity to explore the various dimensions of the real estate sector, fostering dialogue and the exchange of ideas between key market players. Moderation Paola Pierotti, PPAN. 

• Director Bellicini Lorenzo – CRESME
• Director Sviluppo Marcatili Marco – NOMISMA
• President Musso Micaela – AREL
• Prof. Casini Lorenzo – Istituto Ricerca Pubblica Amministrazione
• Prof. Ciaramella Andrea – Politecnico di Milano
• Prof. De Bonis Luciano – Università degli Studi del Molise
• Prof. Micelli Ezio – Università Iuav di Venezia
• Prof. Piras Giuseppe – Università di Roma La Sapienza
• Prof. Presicci Marcello – Scuola Politica “Vivere nella Comunità”
• Prof. Sepe Marichela – Università di Roma La Sapienza
• Prof. Talia Michele – Università di Camerino
• Prof. Trapani Ferdinando – Università degli Studi di Palermo


– Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
– Lazio Region
– Municipality of Rome
– ANCE – National Association of Building Constructors
– ANCE ROMA – ACER National Association of Building Constructors Rome
– AREL – Association of Real Estate Ladies
– CNAPPC – National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscapers, Conservators
– CNI – National Council of Engineers
– FIABCI – International Real Estate Federation ITALIA
– GBC Italia – Green Building Council
– IN/ARCH – National Institute of Architecture
– INU – National Institute of Urban Planning

Managing Director                         Simona Finessi
Art Director                                     Angelo Dadda
Marketing Communication          Alessia Dondolini
General Coordination                    Luisa Parisi
Conference Production                  Cristina Bigliatti
Editorial Production                       Daniela Garbillo
Visual Designer                                Paolo Veirana, Sara Piccardo
Video                                                  Angelo Dadda, Sara Piccardo

– Errico Cassese
– Giulia Floriani
– Francesco Mingrino
– Michela Lucariello


Free participation, strictly by invitation.