ADI members have reconfirmed Luciano Galimberti as president by acclamation, who is joined by a Board of Directors made up of Umberto Cabini (vice-president and candidate for the presidency of the ADI Collezione Compasso d’Oro Foundation), Antonella Andriani (vice-president), Marco Predari (treasurer), Marika Aakesson, Vincenzo Castellana, Adriana Cruciatti, Perla Gianni Falvo, Carlo Malerba. Of the nine members, three hold the position of presidents of an ADI territorial Delegation, confirming the importance of the contribution of the entire territory of the country.
The elections to the Board of Directors were held in an ordinary and elective Assembly at the museum’s headquarters, now ready to welcome the Compasso d’Oro Historical Collection.
The programme for the next three years is inspired by three basic principles: Development, Sustainability, Responsibility. From here will start the initiatives of the association related to the ADI Design Index and the Compasso d’Oro, built as always thanks to the collaboration of ADI members from all over Italy through the 13 ADI territorial Delegations, but also the relationships with schools, which the new Board of Directors intends to expand internationally, and to the collaboration with Confindustria and Confcommercio Professioni.
In preparation, together with an in-depth study of a design certification procedure, there will also be a conference every two years to take stock of the state of design, together with a permanent Table of Italian design that will allow a constructive debate with the participation of all the components of the design world.
The assembly, in its ordinary session, approved the final balance sheet 2019 and the budget for 2020, and deliberated on the Audit Board for the three-year period 2020-2022 and the new Association Regulations. In addition to the Board of Directors were also elected the new Coordination Committees of the Departments (Designers, Companies, General, Distribution and Services) and the new Probiviri.
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From the left: Adriana Cruciatti, Marco Predari, Carlo Malerba, Antonella Andriani, Luciano Galimberti, Perla Gianni Falvo, Umberto Cabini, Marika Aakesson, Vincenzo Castellana
© 2020 Giuseppe Miggiano